Mer du Sud (Modèle géographique Amérique)

Corps d'eau au sud des terres néphites et lamanites

Mer du Sud (Modèle géographique Amérique)

The Sea South is a geographical feature briefly mentioned in the Book of Mormon, marking the southern extent of the Nephite territory. Only referenced once in the text, it signifies the southernmost border of the land inhabited by the Nephites after their period of expansion. Specifically, in the context of Helaman chapter 3, it is documented that the Nephites multiplied and spread from their initial lands southward towards the northern lands, effectively covering a vast territory “from the sea south to the sea north, from the sea west to the sea east” (Helaman 3:8). This description contributes to understanding the setting of Nephite colonization and indicates that the Nephites had spread throughout a considerable area, with the Sea South serving as a landmark for the southern terminus of their inhabited lands. The use of “sea south” alongside “sea north,” “sea west,” and “sea east” encompasses the directional context in which the Nephite and Lamanite territories are situated and suggests that their domains were a part of a larger landmass bounded by these bodies of water.

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