La ville de Zeezrom (Modèle géographique Carte Relative)

Ville néphite à la frontière sud-ouest

La ville de Zeezrom (Modèle géographique Carte Relative)

Zeezrom was a city located near the southwestern frontier of Nephite territory and is only mentioned once in the Book of Mormon. During the latter half of the first century B.C., Zeezrom fell into the hands of the Lamanites during a series of aggressive military campaigns led by Lamanite forces against Nephite holdings (Alma 56:13-14). The city is noted among others, such as Manti, Cumeni, and Antiparah, as a strategically important location, the capture of which resulted in the shedding of the blood of many valiant Nephite men. The exact location and characteristics of Zeezrom are not detailed, leaving its size, economic significance, and cultural attributes to the realm of speculation. Subsequently, following the recapture of the city of Manti by Nephite forces under the command of Helaman, Zeezrom, along with other nearby captured cities, was abandoned by the Lamanites (Alma 58:28-31). The circumstances of this relinquishment and the subsequent fate of the city of Zeezrom following its abandonment are not further recounted in the text.

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