La ville de Gimgimno (Modèle géographique Malaisie)

Ville détruite lors de la crucifixion.

La ville de Gimgimno (Modèle géographique Malaisie)

The city of Gimgimno is noted in the Book of Mormon for its tragic fate during a tumultuous period marked by significant destruction. Along with other cities mentioned such as Gadiandi, Gadiomnah, and the city of Jacob, Gimgimno faced divine judgment due to the wickedness of its inhabitants. At the time of Jesus Christ’s death, as described in the narrative, the city met its end when it was engulfed by the earth. The record states that the Lord caused the city of Gimgimno, along with its people, to be submerged “in the depths of the earth” as a part of sweeping geological upheavals that created “hills and valleys in the places thereof” (3 Nephi 9:8). This destruction was executed as an act of divine retribution to conceal their iniquities and prevent the cries of the innocent, including prophets and saints who had been wronged, from ascending as a testament against them. The details surrounding Gimgimno, such as its geographic location, cultural characteristics, or historical narrative, are not elaborated upon beyond this singular catastrophic event.

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