Le pays de Néphi (Modèle géographique Yucatan)

Terre établie par Néphi, plus tard occupée par les Lamanites, les Zeniffites

Le pays de Néphi (Modèle géographique Yucatan)

The land of Nephi is a significant region in the Book of Mormon narrative, distinguished by its southern location relative to the land of Zarahemla and bordered by a “sea east” and a “sea west” (Alma 22:1, 27). Separated from Zarahemla by a narrow stretch of wilderness, this land is noted for its higher elevation, indicated by consistent references to ascending when traveling south from Zarahemla to Nephi and descending when traveling north towards Zarahemla (Mosiah 7:2–4; 8:2; 9:3; Alma 17:8; Omni 1:13). The “place of their fathers’ first inheritance” was along the western shores of the land of Nephi, hinting at the arrival point of Lehi and his family into the promised land (Alma 22:28).

The land of Nephi was agriculturally fertile, supporting crops like corn, wheat, and barley, and also conducive for raising livestock (2 Ne. 5:11; Mosiah 9:8, 9). Throughout most of the Book of Mormon timeline, control of the land switched between the Nephites, who originally settled and ruled the land from around 590 to 200 B.C., and the Lamanites, who then exerted dominance for the remainder of the recorded history (Omni 1:12–13).

Key events unfolded in the land of Nephi, including the construction of a temple by Nephi1 akin to Solomon’s temple (2 Ne. 5:16), Jacob2’s prophecies, the ministries of Abinadi and Alma1, the bondage of Limhi’s people, and the missionary endeavors of the sons of Mosiah2 to the Lamanites. The historical account includes the experiences of Ammon and Aaron among the Lamanite population (Alma 17–26; Mosiah 9, 11; Mosiah 17:2; 18:4–5, 16).

From an infrastructural standpoint, the city of Nephi, or Lehi-Nephi, served as the principal hub, established by Nephi1 after his separation from his brethren and later inhabited by Zeniffite Nephite colonists under various rulers such as Zeniff, Noah3, and Limhi. The city’s location is inferred to be in a mountainous valley, given descriptions of the physical exertions related to traveling there, suggesting pronounced topographical features (Mosiah 7:2–6; cf. 9:3).

The dimensions of the land and its nearby territories, such as Shilom and Shemlon, are surmised to be modest. Observations from towers and military exploits indicate relatively short distances between these areas, which were probably less than twenty miles apart (Mosiah 11:12, 19:6; 20:7–9). Additionally, adjacent lands like Helam and the land of Amulon were close enough that they could be reached within a few days’ journey at most. This implies not only reasonable proximity but also a rugged and complex terrain within the land of Nephi (Mosiah 22:16; 23:30–31, 35).

Furthermore, the existence of waters named after Mormon situated near the city of Jerusalem and a village called Ani-Anti adds another dimension to the geographical landscape of the area. The size and significance of such bodies of water suggest they covered expanses sizable enough to engulf cities during cataclysmic events (Alma 21:1–2; 3 Nephi 9:6–7).

The detailed accounts of missionary work, warfare, political transitions, and spiritual histories that unfolded within the land of Nephi serve as essential components to the broader Book of Mormon narrative, offering insight into the cultural, tactical, and spiritual dynamics of the peoples who inhabited this ancient space.

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