
Dissident néphite

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Amlici emerged as a significant figure in Nephite history shortly after the institution of the reign of the judges, around the year 87 B.C. He was described as a very cunning and wise man, with wisdom according to the standards of the world, and associated with the order of Nehor, a sect known for its practice of priestcraft and opposition to the teachings of the church of God (Alma 2:1). Amlici’s aspirations for power led him to seek the throne of kingship over the Nephite nation, an intent that posed a significant threat to the newly established democratic system of governance by judges.

Despite his persuasive abilities, the collective voice of the Nephites opposed Amlici’s bid for kingship, favoring the continuation of their rights and privileges under the church and avoiding the potential despotism that an Amlici kingship implied (Alma 2:4, 2:7). Unwilling to accept the voice of the people, Amlici and his adherents, who were distinctively called Amlicites, took matters into their own hands by anointing him as their king, thus creating a division within the Nephite society (Alma 2:9, 2:11).

This division quickly escalated into armed conflict, with the Amlicites waging war against the followers of the legitimate Nephite government. Under the leadership of Alma the Younger, the Nephites engaged with Amlici’s forces. During this conflict, Alma and Amlici confronted each other directly in battle. Invoking the strength of the Lord, Alma defeated and slew Amlici (Alma 2:29, 2:31). The defeat of Amlici and the subsequent battles with the Lamanites, who had joined forces with the Amlicites, resulted in heavy casualties and illustrated the destructive potential of dissent and ambition when coupled with unrighteous desires (Alma 3:1). Amlici’s rise and fall serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of peace and the consequences of attempting to usurp power through contention and strife.

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