L'ange à Benjamin

Messager céleste à Benjamin

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L'ange à Benjamin

In the record of the Nephite nation, a notable appearance of an angelic messenger is chronicled in relation to King Benjamin, a righteous ruler and prophet. This heavenly messenger visited King Benjamin and imparted to him profound spiritual knowledge and instructions, which were then disseminated to his people (Mosiah 3:2). The angelic visitation occurred as King Benjamin was sleeping, awakening him with a message from God. The angel stood before the king, conveying God’s will and commandments, which would subsequently have a transformative effect on the Nephite society.

The words delivered by the angel and recounted by King Benjamin were of such power and divine origin that they caused the people who listened to fall to the earth, overcome by the fear of the Lord and the magnitude of the truths they were hearing (Mosiah 4:1). As part of the message, King Benjamin disclosed the greatness of God and the importance of humility, faith, and repentance—themes underscored by the angel’s teachings (Mosiah 4:11). The spiritual weight of the angel’s declarations was further evidenced as the people, recognizing their own imperfections and God’s magnanimity, expressed a desire to covenant with God to obey His commandments as relayed by the angel. They sought to avoid the eternal torment warned of by the angelic messenger and instead partake in the promise of salvation (Mosiah 5:5).

The angel’s message, as relayed by King Benjamin, marked a significant spiritual renewal and covenant-making among the Nephites. The instructions and warnings given by this divine emissary had an enduring impact, shaping the religious and moral fibers of the society and setting a course of covenant obedience for generations to follow.

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