Un ange vint à Néphi

Instructeur divin de Néphi

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Un ange vint à Néphi

The Angel to Nephi in the Book of Mormon appears as a divine messenger and guide, providing insight and prophecy to the prophet Nephi, one of the leading figures in the early narrative of the text. This angelic being first appears to Nephi as the heavens open, standing before him and inquiring what he sees (1 Nephi 11:14). The Angel plays an instrumental role in interpreting the visions of the tree of life initially experienced by Lehi, Nephi’s father, deepening Nephi’s prophetic knowledge by showing him the condescension of God (1 Nephi 11:26), revealing the Lamb of God, and elucidating the meaning behind the symbols of Nephi’s father’s dream.

Throughout the narrative, the Angel continues this role of instruction and clarification, guiding Nephi through intricately woven prophetic visions that cover a span from the life of Jesus Christ to the eventual downfall of the proud and the destiny of various nations (1 Nephi 11:30-36). The Angel reveals to Nephi the Lamb of God’s ministry among the children of men, shows him the fate of his and his brothers’ seed on the promised land, discusses the significance of their righteousness and garments made white through the Atonement of Christ (1 Nephi 12:11), and speaks of the tumultuous future of his descendants (1 Nephi 12:19; 12:22).

Additionally, the Angel elucidates the battle between the saints and the forces arrayed against them in a large and spacious building symbolizing the pride of the world (1 Nephi 11:34-36), stressing the importance of the twelve apostles’ ministry. The Angel further instructs Nephi about the formation of an abominable church (1 Nephi 13:5), God’s wrath upon the seed of his brethren (1 Nephi 13:11), and the eventual coming forth of other records to validate and expand upon the biblical narrative (1 Nephi 13:40).

The engagements between Nephi and the Angel portray the Angel as a key narrative device for expounding upon spiritual truths, connecting the events and gospel of Jesus Christ with the unfolding history of the Nephites and Lamanites, and foretelling the restoration of the gospel in the latter days. This interaction affirms the pivotal role of prophetic revelation in the Book of Mormon and illustrates the continuity and pattern of divine guidance and communication with prophets throughout the text.

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