
Grand-père d’Amulek

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Ishmael was the grandfather of Amulek, a Nephite missionary and notable figure who rose to prominence due to his association with the prophet Alma the Younger during the missionary efforts in Ammonihah around 82 BC. Ishmael’s significance in Nephite history is linked through genealogy rather than personal exploits, as he is mentioned in the record solely in relation to his lineage. His son was Giddonah, and through him, he was the ancestor of Amulek. This genealogical connection is highlighted by Amulek as he establishes his own credibility and heritage by saying, “I am Amulek; I am the son of Giddonah, who was the son of Ishmael” (Alma 10:2).

The significance of Ishmael’s lineage is augmented by the further delineation of his descent from Aminadi. This ancestor, Aminadi, is noted for a miraculous event in Nephite history where he interpreted writing on the wall of a temple that was inscribed by the finger of God. Such a connection underscores the spiritual legacy Ishmael’s line carried and perhaps provided a platform of respect and expectation for his grandson Amulek, who played a pivotal role in the preaching and establishment of the Church among the Nephites during his own time.

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