Tribus Perdues Israël

Les Israélites emmenés en captivité en Assyrie

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Tribus Perdues Israël

The Lost Tribes of Israel refer to the significant portion of the Israelite population that was carried away by the Assyrian Empire around 721 B.C. after it conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Their designation as “lost” relates to their separation from the remaining tribes and the subsequent loss of their distinct identity in the historical record. In the context of the Book of Mormon narrative, the Lost Tribes hold a particular interest and are subjects of prophecy and future revelations.

The Book of Mormon interweaves the destiny of the Lost Tribes with its overarching themes of the gathering of Israel and the role of scripture in unifying God’s covenant people. It is prophesied that the Lost Tribes will eventually receive the gospel and become aware of their heritage (1 Nephi 22:4). Moreover, according to the prophetic writings, there will come a time when the Lost Tribes, along with the Jews and the Nephites, will have each other’s writings, indicating a future unification and recognition of their shared heritage (2 Nephi 29:13).

The Savior, during his post-resurrection ministry in the Promised Land, alludes to His other sheep, which according to explanation given to the Nephites include the Lost Tribes, whom He would also visit (3 Nephi 15:15; 3 Nephi 17:4). This encounter, though not found in the current Book of Mormon text, suggests that the Lost Tribes of Israel received a personal ministry from the resurrected Lord and that records of this ministry may exist (2 Nephi 29:12).

The enduring legacy of the Lost Tribes in the narrative of the Book of Mormon and wider Latter-day Saint theology points towards a future gathering and revelation of scripture which will provide a more complete understanding of God’s dealings with them (3 Nephi 21:26; Ether 13:11). Three Nephites, in particular, are said to have a future role in ministering unto the Lost Tribes and all scattered descendants of Israel (3 Nephi 28:29), contributing to the encompassing Latter-day Saint conviction of the literal gathering of Israel, including the restoration of the Ten Tribes (Articles of Faith 1:10).

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